Tuesday, January 21, 2020

New Round of Promo

Five Second Rule, available on Amazon

I write my own stories and do my own promotion, which is my only excuse for any given sluggish sales periods. Actually I sell them ok and enjoy watching them sell, but I really don't have much time; I go through long periods where I can't really do promo, much less writing. So the books sit there on Amazon and one thing I've noticed is that their rating goes steadily downward, which is upward in number: 1,569,328 today, 1,770,359 tomorrow. What I want is for them to go the other direction. It's not because I'm starving or need to put food on the table, although I do need to put food on the table. It's more that, now that I'm not the world's best math teacher, I need something for my identity to wrap around.

But fortunately, I've been working on this other side of myself: namely, I'm a Kandinsky-ist pop artist. The computer has this way of taking an ordinary photo, and kandinsky-izing it, as the one above. I do it to a lot of photos, but I have to be careful here, because, if I'm making money on it, I should be using only my own photos. I promise not to steal any photos for this enterprise; it's my writing. But using this pop art for my promos is my new thing. It's time to have some fun.

Then comes another thing, and this is something I have never thought of. Am I indie? Of course. It's entirely my own press, with no help, nobody else involved, no publishers, etc. Yet I've never really taken up that indie label. Why not? Not sure. I've been busy. I have ten kids, the last of whom are the most difficult. But the fact is, I'd never thought of it. There's a whole world out there of indie promotion and self-promotion. Time to explore that world, and put a foot in it!

Promos coming up. I finally got some time to set them up, and I did. I'll keep you informed! Also, check out my facebook page!

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